Page 5 - Microsoft Word - CONSTITUTION OF MUSIC COMPOSERS-15th sep 2015
P. 5

                                                          As on 16-04-2019
                                                        4 - OBJECTS

                    (a)   To organise and unite the Music Directors in the Indian Music Industry for their mutual
                          protection  and  advancement  to  regulate  their  relations  with  people  who  avail  of  the
                          services of the Associations' members and with each other and to further and regulate the
                          interests of members in all ways. .

                    (b)   To  regulate  and  decide  all  questions  of  professional  etiquette  by  establishing  and
                          enforcing terms and conditions of work.

                    (c)   To secure to the members fair conditions of life and services so as to encourage and where
                          possible to initiate whatever may tend towards improvement of the status, training and
                          qualifications of all classes of members of the Association.
                    (d)   To try to redress their grievances.

                    (e)   To  try  to  prevent  any  reduction  in  their  remunerations,  and  if  possible  to  obtain  an
                          advance whenever circumstances allow.
                    (f)   To endeavour to settle disputes so as to promote industrial peace and efficiency by all
                          amicable means such as conciliation, arbitration, or the establishment of a permanent

                    (g)   To devise a scheme or system of providence against the exigencies of old age, sickness,
                          infirmity death, unemployment or misfortune.

                    (h)   To provide legal assistance to members in respect of matters arising out of or incidental
                          to their profession and to provide legal assistance in defence of the members rights where
                          deemed necessary by the General Body or the Executive Committee.
                    (i)   To institute or defend any legal proceedings to which the Association or any member
                          thereof is a party or when such prosecution or defence is undertaken for the purposes of
                          fighting, securing, enhancing, ensuring, procuring, establishing, enforcing or protecting
                          the rights pertaining to the members of the Association.

                    (j)   To publish a magazine, journal, or the like in the interests of the Association.

                    (k)   To co-operate with organisations particularly those having similar objects in India and
                          Overseas and to consider reciprocal agreements with organisations in other parts of the

                    (l)   To render all possible assistance in the task of raising the level of cultural forms and more
                          specifically in raising the level of music in the Indian Music Industry.
                    (m)   With the object of assisting the advancement of the general culture of the community, to
                          take whatever steps deemed to be necessary to improve the knowledge and appreciation
                          of music, copyright etc by the people of India by:

                          (1)    Organising library of music
                          (2)    Organising public performance/concert/events of music
                          (3)    Organising  seminars  and  inviting  national  and  international  musicians  for
                                 exchange of views and techniques
                          (4)    Taking  up all  other activities  which from  time  to  time  might  be  necessary  to
                                 further the interests and progress of the Association

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