Page 11 - Microsoft Word - CONSTITUTION OF MUSIC COMPOSERS-15th sep 2015
P. 11

                                                          As on 16-04-2019

                                                     14 - GOVERNMENT

                    The supreme Body of the Association shall be the General Body and the supreme control of the
                    Association shall be vested in the General Body which shall meet at least once every year, within
                    6 months of the end of the financial year at Mumbai at such time and date as may decide by the
                    Executive Committee or when convened in accordance with the Rules in this Constitution.

                                         15 - ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING

                    (a)   The Association shall have an Annual General Meeting every year within six months
                          from the end of each financial year in Mumbai.

                    (b)   A quorum at any Annual General Meeting shall consist of 50 members.

                    (c)   In the absence of a Quorum at a General Body Meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned
                          without fresh notice for the same day, after 30 minutes at the same venue. The members
                          present after the 30 minute period shall be deemed to be the quorum.

                    (d)   At each Annual General Body Meeting this shall be the Agenda :

                          1.     To receive, consider and adopt the minutes of the previous year’s General Body

                          2.     To  receive,  consider  and  pass  the  General  Secretary's  Report  on  the  previous
                                 year’s activities.

                          3.     To receive, consider and pass the accounts of the previous year
                          4.     To elect the Executive Committee for the ensuing year

                          5.     To consider any other business mentioned in the notice issued for the Meeting

                    (e)   A  notice  of  21   days  shall  be  issued  to  all  the  members   for  calling  the  General
                          Body Meeting.
                    (f)   The Chairman of the Association shall preside at the Annual General Meeting. In the case
                          of  the  absence  of  the  Chairman,  the  President  shall  preside  at  the  Annual  General
                          Meeting. In the case of the absence of the Chairman and the President, one of the Vice-
                          Presidents  or  an  elected  President  of  that  meeting  shall  preside  that  General  Body

                                                 16 - NOTICES OF MOTION
                    (a)   A notice for any business to be considered by the annual general body meeting shall be
                          forwarded  to  the  Association  Office  15  days  before  the  commencement  of  Annual
                          General Body Meeting.
                    (b)   A notice of motion may be submitted by the Executive Committee or by any member of
                          the Association
                    (c)   A notice of motion shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons in support of the

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